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Policy, supervision and fund-raising

When running a setting either as a senior work or as part of the management board we need to think about how do we create policies with our staff teams and support them with appropriate supervision and appraisal systems.

We also need to think about our approaches to fund-raising in these difficult times

The Importance of Policy Writing - Janet Down MBE

Whilst the topic always feels a bit dull and often gets put to the bottom of the 'to do' pile - the importance of sound policies that everyone contributes towards and owns cannot be underestimated.  They help to frame your organisation, to set the standards for staff and volunteers.  They keep people safe and give your staff the confidence to do their job well. They help to manage other people's expectations of your service and support your overall approach to risk.  Janet will be looking to make this session fun, interactive and by the end of it you will love policy writing as much as she does!  The aim is that you will take away some helpful hints about what policies you need and will stay awake for the whole session!

TIME: 9:30 - 11:30 LENGTH: 2 hours


Supervision and Appraisals - Janet Down MBE

Your staff are your greatest asset and they need to be nurtured, supported and encouraged.  Supervision (although Janet prefers the term catch up) and Appraisal (although Janet prefers the term review!) are powerful tools in helping you to journey with your staff, to harness their skills, to develop and grow their potential and to ensure that they are being the best they can be.  When used in a systematic and recorded manner, they can also help you, as the employer, keep within the legal framework and ensure that you are fulfilling all of your statutory duties. In this session, Janet will be guiding you through good practice and helping you develop a framework that will work for you and your staff.

TIME: 11:45 - 13:15 LENGTH: 1 hour 30 minutes

Approaches to Fund-raising - Janet Down MBE

As austerity has hit, increased COVID funding has come to an end and the cost of living crisis is still a big issue, charities are finding it harder than ever to raise money.  In this session, Janet will guide you through the variety of ways that organisations can raise funds as well as reviewing the pros and cons of different methods.  You will be guided through some successful examples and look at how they might work for you.  The aim of the session is to give you shed loads of ideas - some you will discount, but hopefully some will inspire you on to replicate them back in your settings and raise lots of money!

TIME: 13:15 - 14:15 LENGTH: 1 hour

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