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Playwork Stories and Discussions

Collaborative playwork management experiences - Kerry Raymond and Donna Partridge

Being a manager in playwork is a unique role. It has all the frequent beauty, tensions, intricacies and dilemmas of Playwork with the added roll of the dice that at the end of the day it’s your head either on the chopping block or in the warm limelight. This session is aimed at anybody that has a role within playwork management. No matter how long or how little you have held that role, by gathering a diverse group of people within playwork management we hope to delve deep into our unique world looking at topics such as how management has changed your playwork practice and using reflections to explore the tensions and dilemmas through our shared experiences. Come expecting to participate in this provocative, fun and fastmoving session.

TIME: 09:30-10:45 LENGTH: 1 hour 15 mins TARGET AUDIENCE: Play Explorer

GRT Cultural Awarness - Bristol Fashion - Abi Leitch and Pete Woods-Wetton

The acronym GRT - Gypsy, Roma, Traveller is a collective term used to describe a wide variety of distinct cultural and ethnic groups. Britain’s GRT communities remain a fairly hidden and under-represented population. GRT communities experience the highest levels of inequality within the UK yet remain largely invisible and ignored within wider agendas. We can't profess to be experts but we would love to share our experiences of working with GRT children and young people and hopefully provide you with a wider sense of GRT cultural and ethnic awareness as part of our session. We will be calling on our time working with a variety of GRT people from across Bristol where 25% of the traveller population in the south west reside.

TIME: 11:15-12:45 LENGTH: 1.5 hours TARGET AUDIENCE: Play Easy

Thought provoking tales from across the galaxy - Vic Doggart and Lauren Bennet

Come join Red and Pink on an intergalactic journey through playwork stories ranging from Gambian playgrounds to the far off land of Caledonian Road. Bring your sad, funny, silly, moving, most thought-provoking tales to take part in a lively discussion about stories from the playground.

TIME: 13:00-14:00 LENGTH: 1 hour TARGET AUDIENCE: Play

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The National Playwork Conference is brought to you by: Training, Playwork and Play CIC: 13575861 11 Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne BN20 7QN 01323 730500