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Simon Rix & Team

Meriden Adventure Playground is in Chelmsley Wood, North Solihull. A relatively young playground, only six years old, it was established with Lottery money which provided for staffing for the first three years. The present team of full and part time playworkers has been working together for eighteen months.

Simon Rix has been in Playwork over thirty years and has been a face to face worker, play development worker and co led an adventure play support organisation. He was instrumental in starting Somerford Grove and Glamis adventure playgrounds.

Ellen Delaney I have been a playworker for just over 2 years. I also work in a local school as a community and family mentor,this role enables me to work face to face with the families and children of chelmsley wood.I'm also involved with a community group and but on events for families.

Sharon Dunbar I have been employed has a playworker at Meriden Adventure Playground for 5 ½ years (part time). I am also employed as a Education Welfare Officer which means I go into schools adjacent to the Adventure Playground and monitor the attendance. Some of the schools use the Playground as an incentive for attendance and curriculum purposes. Also the parents and families I support have used the facility for rewarding their children.

Facebook: “Meriden Adventure Playground Chelmsley Wood”

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