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Defined as “usually an academic meeting at which specialists deliver an address on a topic or on related topics and then answer questions relating to them.”

Our Colloquium is where a learned academic or social thinker presents a paper, related to play and/or playwork for approximately 45 minutes and then, after a quick refreshment break the group resumes around a ‘board room table’ to ask questions and explore, critique and clarify the issues raised in the presentation of the paper

This very exciting approach will be limited to 30 participants in each session and places will have to be booked in advance on the sign up board by the Colloquium entrance

Controlling Outdoor Spaces? - Who controls who?
What outdoor spaces do children use?

Does outdoor space for play result in children’s activities being controlled?

How do children control outdoor spaces?

Why do adults seek control children’s outdoor space?

How do adults seek to control children’s outdoor spaces?

How do children appropriate outdoor space?

What can we do to make outdoor environments more child friendly?

These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this session: bring similar questions and issues to put into the melting pot of this colloquium.
Paper 45 minutes 10:30 – 11:15
Discussion 45 minutes 11:30 – 12:15
What's Happened to Childhood?Professor Hugh Cunningham
Our understanding of childhood is shaped by two narratives.

The first describes how children underwent horrific experiences in the factories and mines of the Industrial Revolution, but were then rescued for an increasingly ‘healthy and happy’ childhood.

The second, dominant since the 1970s, tells how childhood is getting worse, becoming ‘toxic’, the deaths of James Bulger, Victoria Climbié and Baby P evidence for it.

How far do these narratives about childhood reflect the reality of the lives of children past and present
Paper 45 minutes 13:15 – 14:00
Discussion 45 minutes 14:15 – 15:00
The Rhythms of Play and PlayworkProfessor Fraser Brown
Where does our sense of rhythm come from?

How is this important in playwork practice?

How can we use our understanding of rhythm to build relationships with children? How can playworkers provide structural stability while at the same time enabling children to control their own lives?

With reference to music, poetry and humour the session will address these questions, and explore the influence of rhythm on child development, and its inter-twining with children’s play.

The session will also explore the natural rhythm of groups and communities, and the significance of reference points in children’s lives.
Paper 45 minutes 15:15 – 16:00
Discussion 45 minutes 16:15 – 17:00
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