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Policy and Strategy Work

This track will take place on Wednesday

NOS - Who gives a shit?! - Martin King-Sheard

National Occupational Standards (NOS) may seem about the most boring thing you could hear about, but WE NEED YOU to get involved. This session will provide some insight into the importance of NOS but most importantly it is an early opportunity for playworkers in the UK to have their say on the Standards that things like qualifications, job descriptions and training are written to. 
The playwork NOS were last reviewed in 2016 by SkillsActive. There are plans to update them in the next year. We want your thoughts on some of the big questions - where do/ should playworkers work? What should new playworkers learn about? What skills do playworkers need?

TIME: 9:30-11:00 LENGTH: 1.5 hours 

Play for the future - A strategy for winning - Rob Wheway

"Play" campaigning can change government policy and even increase spending at times of austerity – as happened with EDM363.  All of us in play need to get our act together and campaign so that all political parties feel involved.  Waiting until a supportive government comes along just does not work.  This session will demonstrate how this success was achieved.

TIME: 13:00-14:15 LENGTH: 1 hour 15 minutes 
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The National Playwork Conference is brought to you by: Training, Playwork and Play CIC: 13575861 11 Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne BN20 7QN 01323 730500