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Meynell Plays Ltd.

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New Presenters

It is an often heard call “where are the new thinkers coming from”, “where are the next generation of playwork people?”

At the National Playwork Conference we want to nurture new talent, we want to give people a chance.

So we are making this offer: “If you want to present but have not done it before; if you are feeling nervous or scared then we will help you.”

It is our intention to give help and support to all presenters who want it but most specifically to those who are new and emerging.

Got something to say? Then we will help you say it. You will be linked to an experienced presenter who will help you develop and plan your session. They will talk through the process with you and review your plan and materials – even going so far as you doing a ‘pretend’ session as a practice.

By the time you get to Conference you will be ready and raring to go.

Interested? Then send an email to and tell us you want to do this. Do it even if you have not yet thought of a subject you want to present on – we will help you.
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The National Playwork Conference is brought to you by: Training, Playwork and Play CIC: 13575861 11 Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne BN20 7QN 01323 730500