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Wednesday Programme: 9:30 – 14:00

Track 9 – Being a better teacher/trainer/tutor

If you deliver any sort of teaching, training, tutoring for playworkers then this track is for you! You could be delivering a 3 hour CPD programme or a yearlong qualification course but equally you could be working with your team in 15 minute slots at the end of a day. The 2 sessions that are being offered will equip you to be better in the processes of helping others learn.

Track 10 – Playwork advanced theory

Continuing the work started in track 2 the Wednesday sessions take thinking further, challenge you harder and address some more complex issues of engaging with playwork and playwork theory

Track 11 – Current research in play and playwork

In this track we highlight some of the more interesting research work currently being undertaken in the play and playwork world

Track 12 Some thinking about play

If you are one of those engaged in delivering playwork qualifications then you will need to have a clear understanding and good practice in assessment and verification. In this track we offer the opportunity to home your practice, ask questions and gain a greater understanding of the processes required

Track 13 – What is play?

So your working in a playwork provision, your creating a play space your supporting children’s play, but do you really know what play is? 3 respected playwork writers will take you on a journey of understanding

Track 14 – Play and the Home Nations

The UK is made up of 4 countries; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, it is common knowledge that there is very little excitement or development in England but the situation is very different in the other countries. Each of these sessions will explain how positive things are happening about play in those countries and the roots that were taken to get to position they are now in.

Track 15 – Playing - around public space and the outdoors

Is it important for children to engage with play in nature because if they don’t nature will suffer or is it important because if they don’t children will suffer or are the 2 inextricably linked?

Track 16 – Ideas for your setting

Sometimes at a conference it is nice to do something practical so we have gathered together a number of stimulating and useful subjects which will provide for both your personal enjoyment and something you could take back to your setting and offer to the children

So, there are all these different sessions and you have read the title and checked out who the facilitator is but do you know if the session is for you? On the one hand you don’t want to go to something and hear only stuff that you already know and on the other hand you don’t want to go to a session that is far deeper in thinking than where you head is! Each session facilitator has indicated the level that they think their session will be at:

Getting started: You are new to the subject, you haven’t covered it before; you don’t really know what it’s about. Ideal for face to face workers and learners on playwork qualifications

Moving on: You have been working in playwork for a while. You probably know it but might not be completely comfortable with the language or have all the complexities of the subject sorted in your head. A session that takes the subject to a greater depth. Ideal for experienced playwork practitioners and tutors/trainers

Give me more!: For those of you who have been around the playwork block a few times! Time to extend your thinking, take your current knowledge and understanding to another level or introduce concepts that you haven’t already encountered. Aimed at playwork graduates, highly experienced playworkers and well read trainers and tutors.
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The National Playwork Conference is brought to you by: Training, Playwork and Play CIC: 13575861 11 Beachy Head Road, Eastbourne BN20 7QN 01323 730500